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《跨文化对话》 第45辑 目录2021年  商务印书馆




Table of Contents


特 稿

    Special column

文明与文化交融之地:玄奘记载的古代阿富汗  王邦维

Wang Bangwei , A Land Where the Civilizations and Cultures Meeting and Blended: Ancient Afghanistan Visited by Xuanzang



    Focus: Theory and Practice of Transcultural Studies

中国诗学的起源  [法]汪德迈 (张 弛 译)

Léon Vandermeersch , translated by Zhang Chi , The Origin of Chinese poetics


文化转场:哲学翻译与中古汉语  [法]金丝燕

Jin Siyan , Transferts culturels: Traduire l'argumentation philosophique et le moyenchinois


跨文化学的产生及其必要性  王一川

Wang Yichuan , Generation and Necessity of Transcultural Studies


跨文化学的课程教学  董晓萍

Dong Xiaoping , Building the Teaching System of Transcultural Studies


论 稿


一种全球视野下的本土行动和本土经验的全球贡献  陈越光

Chen Yueguang , Contribution of Sharing Advanced Resources of Higher-Education with Western Region Universities through Native Action and Experience in Global Perspective


中国艺术家超越世俗的四个层面——兼谈饶宗颐先生的艺术态度  郑炜明

Zheng Weiming , Zheng Weiming, Four Transcedent Levels of the Chinese Artists, A Case Study: The Artistic Attitude of Prof. Jao Tsung-i


初创时期的新中国对外汉语教学与美国汉语教学的关系  黎 敏

Li Min , The Relationship between Chinese Teaching as a Foreign Language in the Initial Period in PRC and Chinese Teaching in USA


基于四本汉语教材的汉字字源研究  刘 曼

Liu Man , Étude sur l’étymologie des sinogrammes de quatre manuels du chinois


法国传教士金尼阁手稿《西儒耳目资·列音韵谱》的声韵组合特点分析  陈金秋

Chen Jinqiu , Analyse des caractéristiques de la combinaison phonologique dans le manuscrit Xiru ermu zi-lie yin yunpu écrit par le missionnaire Français Nicolas Trigault


现代来华阿拉伯语教师的历史贡献  马保全

Ma Baoquan , The Historical Contributions of Modern Arabic Teachers to China


荷兰汉学人类学家高延的厦门田野民族志  许卢峰

Xu Lufeng , Dutch Sinological Anthropologist J.J.M. De Groot’s Ethnography in Xiamen, Fujing Province


华裔文学中的灾害书写  杨 森

Yang Sen , Disaster Writing in Chinese American Literature


艾瑟斯·严对中国古典白话妖魔小说的故事主题研究  董首一

Dong Shouyi , Alsace Chun-chiang Yen’ Research On the Types and Themes of Demon in Folktales among Chinese Vernacular Novels of Ming Dynasty


丁成诗画的语言与视像符号  杨小滨

Yang Xiaobin , Of Spectral Texts and Images: Ding Cheng’s Artistic Poetry and Poetic Art


俄罗斯文学的“历史热”  刘雅悦

Liu Yayue , Contemporary Development of Russian Literature Based on Historicism


欧洲文坛的政治渗透  彭 倩

Peng Qian , Political Penetration in European Literary


拉美文学大奖的关注点  毛 旭

Mao Xu , Some Focus on the Latin American Literature Award


北美文学在路上  黄 蓉

Huang Rong , The Metaphor of “Way” in North American Literature


敦煌石窟中的景教遗存述略  李博雅

Li Boya , A Brief Introduction to the Remains of Nestorianism in Dunhuang Grottoes


短 讯


乐黛云《九十沧桑》新书发布会纪实  中国大百科全书出版社社科学术分社

Academic Branch of China Encyclopedia Press , Report from the New Book Launch Ceremony of the Publication of Ninety Years of Time: My Literary Path Written by Yue Daiyun


乐黛云:在苦难面前不沉默、不沉浸——2021年3月26日在“乐黛云先生《九十年沧桑:我的文学之路》新书发布会暨学术人生分享会”上的发言  陈越光

Chen Yueguang , Dear Lao Shi:Not Silent and Not Trapping While Suffering, A Speech at the Launch Ceremony of the Publication of Ninety Years of Time: My Literary Path by Yue Daiyun in March 26, 2021


跨文化性:话语、语言、文字与文化——中欧跨文化论坛暨第八届跨文化学研究生国际课程班在青海师范大学主会场举办  史玲玲 赖彦斌

Shi Lingling & Lai Yanbin , 8th Sino-European Forum & Advanced Professional Seminar for Ph.D. Students’ Training on Chinese Culture Studies in Transcultural Perspective at Qinghai Normal University in Xining



    Mourning to a France’s Most Renown Sinologist Léon Vandermeersch


Editor’s Review


我的汉文化圈的导师和朋友们  [法]汪德迈(董晓萍 整理)

Léon Vandermeersch , My Supervisor and Friends in the Chinese Cultural Circle


跨文化永远的一颗星:汪德迈  董晓萍 [法]金丝燕

Dong Xiaoping, Jin Siyan , Une étole éternelle de transculturalité


一位从古代典籍中解读中国文化的汉学家——汪德迈  王 宁

Wang Ning , A Sinologist Who Interprets Chinese Culture from Ancient Chinese Classics


有温度的“汉学”:汪德迈先生的学术情怀  王邦维

Wang Bangwei , The Warm Sinology: Understanding Léon Vandermeersch’s Research on China


高原生态学与跨文化中国学  史培军

Shi Peijun , Plateau Ecology and Transcultural Studies on China


汪德迈先生教给我们什么  程正民

Cheng Zhengmin , What a France’s Sinologist Léon Vandermeersch’ Taught Us?


西方、中国与俄罗斯互相学习什么?  [俄罗斯]易福成

Taras Ivchenko , What the West, China and Russia Learn about from Each Other?


回到中国艺术之“文”的传统——从汪德迈先生中国“文”论谈起  王一川

Wang Yichuan , Back to the Tradition of “Wen” on Chinese Arts: Starting from Léon Vandermeersch’s Theory of Chinese “Wen”





Author and Translator


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