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《跨文化对话》 第44辑 目录2021年  商务印书馆




Table of Contents



    Focus: Introduction to Transcultural Studies (Part Ⅲ )

我的中国文字学研究方法  [法]汪德迈

Léon Vandermeersch , My Approach to the Research of Chinese Characters Including Oracle


跨文化学的对话理论  程正民

Cheng Zhengmin , Dialogue Theory of Transcultura Studies


沙畹与《史记》  [法]裴 程

Pei Cheng , Edouard Chavannes et Les mémoires historiques de Se-Ma Ts’ien


屏风所见:跨文化美学研究纲要  [意]马尔切洛·吉拉尔迪 (何 琳 译)

Marcello Ghilardi , translated by He Lin , On the Screen of the Visible: Outlines for an Aesthetic Research across Different Cultures


清洁卫生技术的跨文化分析  [英]白馥兰 (董晓萍 译)

Francesca Bray , translated by Dong Xiaoping , Technologies of Cleanliness and Hygiene in Analysis of Transcultural Studies


论 稿


中世纪游吟诗史  [法]米歇尔·冉刻 (王以培 译)

Michel Zink , translated by Wang Yipei , The History of Troubadours in Middle Ages


梵语诗:神圣与世俗  [法]佛辽若 (赵 悠 译)

Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat , translated by Zhao You , The Poem in Sanskrit: Sacred and Secular


马拉美与中国当代诗学  [法]金丝燕

Jin Siyan , Mallarmé et la poétique chinoise contemporaine


跨文化语境中的20世纪俄罗斯诗学  程正民

Cheng Zhengmin , Russian Poetics in Transcultural Context of 20th Century


中西文艺作品中月亮表征的跨文化考察  张 弛

Zhang Chi , A Transcultural Study of the Moon’s Representations in the Chinese and European Literatures and Arts


中朝古代诗学:李仁老的诗画同源论  马金科 杨雅琪

Ma Jinke & Yang Yaqi , Ancient Korea Poetics Infl uenced by China: Li Renlao’s Theory of Poetry and Painting Homology in Korai Period


超自然时空体、多体裁文本与大众文化语境——以J.R.R. 托尔金的魔戒系列为个案  谢开来

Xie Kailai , The Multi-genre Texts for Supernatural Chronotope and its Mass Culture Context on Fantasy Fiction: A Case Study of the Lord of the Rings Series by J. R. R. Tolkien


犹太精神与德国语言的结合——黑塞评马丁·布伯  马 剑

Ma Jian , The Combination of Jewish spirit and German Language: Hesse on Martin Buber


论中世纪和文艺复兴对话中但丁的多重文化身份——但丁700周年祭  李婧敬

Li Jingjing , Dante’s Multiple Cultural Identity in the Dialogue between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: in Commemoration of the 700th Anniversary of Dante


从天主教仪式音乐看中西跨文化对话  麻 莉

Ma Li , Transcultural Dialogue between East and West in the light of Chinese Catholic Liturgical Music


英国剑桥大学行政管理初探  张 强

Zhang Qiang , On the Administrative Management of the University of Cambridge, UK


短 讯


青海师范大学与北京师范大学合作启动“高科院丝路跨文化研究”重大项目  曹煜源

Cao Yuyang , Major Project of Research on “Silk Road along the Plateau Academy of Sciences in Transcultural Studies” Co-launched by QNU and BNU


走向一种共生性的全球生态文明——第12届“克莱蒙生态文明国际论坛”综述  张 磊 樊美筠

Zhang Lei & Fan Meijun , Towards the Symbiotic Global Ecological Civilization—Summary of the 12th International Forum on Ecological Civilization


“中国学研究与跨文化学方法论”博士研究生高级研修课  [法]金丝燕 董晓萍

Jin Siyan & Dong Xiaoping , Advanced Professional Training Seminar for Ph.D. Students in Chinese Studies and Methodology of Transcultural Studies


“文化转场:观念与艺术”国际会议纪要  刘 曼 [意]路易萨 [法]华兰亭

Liu Man, Luisa Prudentino, Valentine Thiebaut , Summary of the International Conference and Doctoral Seminiar on Cultural Transfor: Ideas and Art





Author and Translator


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