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《跨文化对话》 第42辑 目录2020年  商务印书馆




Table of Contents



    Special Column: Second Award Ceremony of Léon Vandermeersch Prize for Chinese Studies,Academy of Inscriptions and Belle-Letters of France in 2019

冉刻致辞  〔法〕米歇尔·冉刻 (〔法〕罗曼·乐佛迩 译 孙昕潼 校)

Michel Zink , translated by Romain Lefèbvre , proofread by Sun Xintong , Speech of the Perpetual Secretary Michel Zink at Second Award Ceremony of Léon Vandermeersch Prize


汪德迈致辞  〔法〕汪德迈 (〔法〕金丝燕 译)

Léon Vandermeersch , translated by Jin Siyan , Speech at Second Award Ceremony of Léon Vandermeersch Prize


樊锦诗答谢词  樊锦诗

Fan Jinshi , Acknowledgement from Researcher Fan Jinshi at Second Award Ceremony of Léon Vandermeersch Prize


樊锦诗获奖报道  〔法〕郭丽英

Guo Liying , Reportage of Second Award Ceremony of Léon Vandermeersch Prize for Chinese Studies



    Focus: Introduction to Transcultural Studies( Part I)

跨文化学的时代背景  〔法〕金丝燕

Jin Siyan , Historical Background of Transcultural Studies


跨文化学的要素  王一川

Wang Yichuan , Notes on the Structural Element of Transcultural Studies


跨文化学的学科属性和概念  董晓萍

Dong Xiaoping , Nature and Concept of the Discipline of Transcultural Studies


跨文化研究如何“跨”?  周 宪

Zhou Xian , Object and Method of Transcultural Studies


文化转场与人文科学史  〔法〕米歇尔·西班牙 (董晓萍 译)

Michel Espagne , translated by Dong Xiaoping , Cultural Transfer and the History of Humanities


跨文化主义的范式变化  〔比〕巴得胜 (董晓萍 译)

Bart Dessein , translated by Dong Xiaoping , Changing Paradigms in Interculturalism




所谓亚细亚生产方式与古代中国社会生产真正的特殊性  〔法〕汪德迈

Léon Vandermeersch , So-called Asian Production Model and Real Particularity of Social Production of Ancient China


中国笔墨:从西到东,从东再到西  〔美〕约瑟夫·丹科 (徐 佳 译)

Joseph Tanke , translated by Xu Jia , Chinese Brush-and-Ink From West to East and back Again


现代性、流动性与跨文化沟通  张 弛

Zhang Chi , Modernity, Mobility and Intercultural Communication


简论桐城派学者李诚的学术精神  王达敏

Wang Damin , On the Academic Spirit of Li Cheng, A Scholar of the Tongcheng School


华莱士·史蒂文斯诗歌中的中国禅意  高 奋

Gao Fen , Wallace Stevens’ Poems and Chinese Chan Paintings


世界文学与文学的世界:洞察世界的现代主义视角  张 楠

Zhang Nan , World Literature and Literary Worlds: Perceiving the World through a Modernist Lens


勒克莱齐奥的跨文化书写和实践  高 方

Gao Fang , Transcultural Writing and Practice by Le Clézio


勒克莱齐奥与小蚂蚁  杜青钢

Du Qinggang , Le Clézio and little ants


现实主义与理想主义之间:勒克莱齐奥的“当下性”  袁筱一

Yuan Xiaoyi , Entering Realism and Idealism: Contemporarity in the Works by Le Clézio


自然之美——道禅视野下勒克莱齐奥的自然美学研究  张 璐

Zhang Lu , The Beauty of Nature, An Aesthetic Study of Le Clézio’s Natural Landscape from the Perspectives of Zen and Taoism


论勒克莱齐奥对亚洲的向往  〔法〕克洛德·卡瓦莱洛 (张倩格 译 张璐 校)

Claude Cavallero , translated by Zhang Qiange , proofread by Zhang Lu , Desiring Asia by Le Clézio


克洛德·罗阿:从中国文化中寻找精神出路  许玉婷

Xu Yuting , Claude Roy: Finding A Way out in Chinese Culture


《云中君》传奇  〔法〕叶 欣

Ye Xin , Historical Stories Narrated by a Group of Pictures


诗的“宇宙而上”:非写不知与话语的召唤性  〔法〕金丝燕

Jin Siyan , Cosmos of Poetry and Beyond


“挺住意味着一切”——记南京先锋书店  黄 荭

Huang Hong , On Nanjing Pioneer Bookstore





List of Author and Translator


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